Planning Board to vote on Preliminary Plan approval April 23

Last December, the Montgomery County Planning Board approved the Sketch Plan for the redevelopment of Aldon Management’s properties along Battery Lane. Since then, the development team has followed the guidance of planning staff and continued to revise the plans and submit the project’s Preliminary Plan of Subdivision for four of the proposed lots.

Now the Preliminary Plan is scheduled to go before the Planning Board for a vote on April 23, 2020. We invite you to view the meeting agendasign up to testify, or watch the meeting when it broadcasts live.

Once the Preliminary Plan is approved, we will begin the process to choose the site of our first phase and begin designing the first building. This will initiate the process of community outreach, staff review, and Planning Board consideration all over again as we endeavor to earn Site Plan approval for a specific building and site improvements.

Our anticipated timeline remains much the same, with Preliminary Plan approval in 2020, and Site Plan approval in late 2020 or early 2021, followed by engineering and building permits being processed in 2021. We anticipate the earliest construction to begin in 2021 or early 2022. Our existing buildings will continue to operate until each site is scheduled for redevelopment.

You can learn more about our redevelopment plans for Battery Lane District, submit your questions and feedback, and get the latest news and updates on our project website,

On behalf of our entire team at Aldon Properties and Brown Development, we thank you for your continued interest in the Battery Lane District redevelopment project and Brown Development’s vision to fashion the future Battery Lane District into the most beautiful and livable, urban-edge residential neighborhood in downtown Bethesda.
